I’m sitting here on the 3rd working day of 2025 and my mind is buzzing with all I would love to share with you. January is such an exciting month, a clean slate full of possibility and opportunities. I know that lots of people make new year’s resolutions and goals for the year and many people come dashing out of the starting blocks, guns blazing. Before they know what’s happened, they let it all go… quit or just go back to their old habits and carry on just as they did last year.
I’m advocating for visionary consistency, moderation and slow, steady, but definite progress this year. I’m inviting you to set yourself up to succeed this year. As the growth disciple I am, I value personal mastery and regret free living above almost anything. I am going to share the practices that I have found to be most effective for the start of a year. (I’ve tried many!)
It all starts with intention.
What is your intention for this brand-new year? Try to find a word that sums it up. Mine, so you get what I mean, is FOCUS. My intention is to narrow things down, simplify, declutter, slow things down. That word is my mantra for this year.
The next part of the year planning starts once you have established your intention.
Reflect back on last year.
Notice what worked well in your past year, notice what you are proud of and what you want to keep on doing. Try to summarize all that you have noticed and narrow it down to a single sentence, so it's easy to remember. Make sure you take a moment to pat yourself on the back for your success! Then, work out what you want to change from last year, again in a single sentence if you can. This sentence might be: go to bed earlier, exercise a sub-minimum of 4 times a week, get off my phone by 8pm, limit my scrolling to half an hour a day etc. Make sure this sentence is positive and specific (or you won't know if you are doing it). Notice also what was lacking last year and what you would like to have more of in this new year. Maybe you would like to go on more holidays, or eat more sushi? Don't only look at what you want to stop doing, but look at what you want more of too!

Lastly, think about what you want to feel this year and name that set of feelings for yourself.
It might be : calm, relaxed, joyful, effective, fit, slim, healthy, energized, productive, supported. Whatever you desire to feel, needs to be noted clearly. You won't manifest those feelings if you haven’t identified them. Well, it may happen by chance from time to time, but you will be far more likely to feel what you wish to feel if you are clear on the direction you are going.
Remember 3 things:
“Be the change you want to see in the world” (Gandhi)
You can't change the world or the people in your world, but you can change you and if you do, the world will change. (I often have clients complain that they are sick of always being the one to change, and I understand that frustration. If you want change, however, you will have to do the changing and therefore create the change you desire).
“What you think about and thank about, you bring about” (Demartini). Be mindful of where you spend your mental energy!
This is your precious year and I want you to enjoy it and thrive in it, like never before. It’s my mission to share all I have learnt over 35 years in the healing industry with you this year, so that you have the tools and the knowledge, the insight and the awareness you need to support you.
So, make sure these emails are not being sent to junk, don’t ignore them, and be sure to follow me on my social pages. See you there!
With love